Egg-cellent Easter Fun!
A interactive STEAM based lesson discussing Easter and the true meaning of Easter.
2022年4月14日 上午11:00 – 2022年4月16日 下午1:20
Egg-cellent Easter Fun!
Teacher: Angie (Native English Speaking Teacher)
Medium: English only
Conduct in Zoom Class
Part 1 - Story Telling & Show and Tell
Date: 14-April 2022 (Thu)
Time: 11:00-11:50am
Fee: $160/kid
Group size: Max 8 kids
About the lesson:
A interactive STEM based lesson discussing Easter and the true meaning of Easter. We will read about why we have Easter and use a variety of sequencing cards to describe and understand the story. The students will be asked to choose a card and describe the importance of that card. IE the passover was the last supper. We will create our own baskets to collect our dyed eggs on Saturday and finish off with a 'egg and spoon race' bunny dance and Easter poem.
老師會同小朋友講一個 Easter Story 了解節日真正的意義,仲會同小朋做 story sequencing,聆聽故事內容之後做排序,亦會邀請同學用其中一個故事情節做 picture description。另外亦會有 show and tell session 讓小朋友發揮創意,表達自己。Ms Angie 亦會在堂上同小朋友大玩 Fun game。
Part 2 - Activity Workshop
Date: 16-April 2022 (Sat)
Time: 12:30-1:20pm
Fee: $160/kid
Group size: Max 8 kids
About the lesson:
Egg-cellent Easter fun! Join us in making our own rice smelly sock bunnies. Please bring an old sock, a cup and half of uncooked rice, A scissors, a black marker and a ribbon. We will dye some hard boiled eggs using a baking soda and vinegar based solution. The students will learn about the chemical reaction and science behind the home made dye.
依堂老師會同小朋友玩好多有趣嘅活動,有用自己隻臭襪仔做 Easter bunny。更會同小朋友玩 Science experiment,用不同的方法將復活蛋染色(Easter Dye egg)小朋友亦可自己加上裝飾,創作出獨一無二的復活蛋 🐣
PS:家長都可以在活動過程中幫小朋友影D相放入 portfolio,係一個好好嘅 profile。除了可以表現到小朋友嘅創意及藝術方面的天份外,這亦是一個有趣的科學實驗,能特顯小朋友的探索精神。
📌 After Lesson Bonus
小朋友可以錄一條片比老師,show and tell 自己嘅 Easter Egg / bunny。老師會比返D comment 小朋友,提升 presentation 的能力 😉
Story Time & Show and Tell
Date: 14-Apr 2022 (Thu) Time: 11:00-11:50am
HK$160.00售完STEAM Fun
Date: 16-Apr 2022 (Sat) Time: 12:30-1:20pm